Welcome to Vranx - Classic Era Addon Recommendations

Vranx was created in January 2008 to help World of Warcraft players find addons and compilations. Addons are broken down into categories with quick descriptions making it easier to find what you are looking for. The site focus is Classic Era, Classic Fresh addons. The Retail and Cataclysm pages will no longer be updated.

Addon Categories for Classic Era

Action Bar

Replace Default Action Bars: Bartender4 | Dominos | TidyBar
Add Bars/Buttons: ActionbarPlus | ButtonForge | OPie
Cooldown Numbers: FastCooldownTimer | OmniCC
Grey Out Buttons on Cooldown: GreyOnCooldown
Remove Gryphons from Action Bar: Bye Bye Gryphons | Gryphons Remover
Red out of Range: tullaRange
Show Your Buffs/Target Debuffs: LiteButtonAuras
Show Power/Mana Use on Buttons: MissingPower
Show Reactive Ability Spell Activations: ClassicSpellActivations
Spell Rank Checker: Nova Spell Rank Checker
Trinket Bar: TrinketMenu

Addon Control | Settings

Addon Control: Addon Control Panel | BetterAddonList | Simple Addon Manager
Addon CPU/Memory Usage: Addon Usage
Alignment Grid: eAlign Classic | Layout Lines | Pixel Perfect Align
Display Lua Errors: BugGrabber | BugSack
Error Messages Redirect: Error Filter | ErrorMonster | SmartError
Profiles | Settings: Myslot


Auctionator | Auctioneer | Aux | TradeSkillMaster
Display Prices in Tooltips: AHDB
Notifications: Auction House Notifications | Auction Watch
Track Sales: Journalator

Audio | Video | Graphics

Add Graphics: BTex
Add Textures Sounds Fonts: MerfinPlus | SharedMedia | Sweetsours Custom Audio
Add Viewport: Sunn Viewport Art
Assign Music to Events: Soundtrack
Character Selection | Login Screens: Login Screen and Character Select Glues
Darker Frames: DarkMode | FrameColor
Increase FPS: Hyperframe
Level Up Sounds: Better Level-Up
Listen to and Play Music with Nearby Players: Musician
Mute: MuteSoundFile
Replace Icon Graphics: Clean Icons - Mechagnome Edition | Flat Player Icons | JiberishUI Icons | Simpy's Styled Interface Icons
Skin Buttons: Masque
Skin UI: Aurora | DarkUI Classic | Dragonflight UI Classic | Skinner
Sound Browser: Leatrix Sounds



Bags - One Big Bag: Bagnon | Baud Bag | Inventorian | LiteBag
Bags - Sorted into Categories: AdiBags | ArkInventory | Baganator | Baggins | BetterBags | Sorted
Bags - Searchable List including Alts: Baud Manifest
Enhance Default Bags: AutoEquipBag | Bagmeter | BoE Labels | Cant Carry Any More | Garbage Desaturation | Hide Increase Backpack Button | ItemLevels
Find Least Valuable Item to Delete when Bags are Full: AutoLootManager | Dejunk | DropTheCheapestThing | Magic Eraser

Bagnon | BetterBags

Buff | Debuff | Cooldowns

DejaAuras | Elkano's BuffBars | NeedToKnow | NugRunning | Raven | TellMeWhen | WeakAuras | xanBuffTimers | xanDebuffTimers
Better Buff Durations on Default Frame: Buff Timers
Buff Monitoring: Buffalo | Buffomat Classic | Buffwatch Classic | SmartBuff
Cooldowns: Cooldown Timeline | CooldownToGo | Doom_CooldownPulse
Debuff Removal: Decursive | SmartDeBuff
Increase Debuff Size on Blizzard Frames: BigDebuffs
Monitor Classic World Buffs: Nova World Buffs
Move Default Buff Frame: BasicBuffs
Show Who Cast Buff: Buff Owner | Who Buffed Me
Thank Casters: DriveByBuffs | Thanks for the Buff
Track Party/Raid Cooldowns: Ability Team Tracker | OmniCD


CastBarsEZ | CastCursor | Classic Castbars | Gnosis | Move Cast Bar | Quartz


alaChat | BasicChatMods | Prat
Add Guildies Main Names to Chat: Alts
Add Icons to Links: ChatLinkIcons
Add Your Main Name to Chat: Incognito | Who Dis | Who Im I
Allow Multiple Guilds to share Guild Chat: GreenWall
Bar for Channel Selection: ChatBar
Bind Windows to Chat Tabs: ChatTabBind
Block Channels: Block Blizzard Chat Channels
Block a Language: BlockChinese | BlockSpanish
Copy Chat Settings to Other Characters: Copybara
Copy Text: Chat Copy Paste | Copy That
Instant Messengers: FastWhisper | WIM
Invites: Chat Invite Links | Invite On Whisper
Links: LinkWrangler
Log Chat Messages: Elephant
Move Input Box to Top of Chat Frame: ChatInputTop
Reformat System Messages: Chat Cleaner | Cleaner Loot Messages | MiniLoot
Sounds: Chat Sound Customizer
Spam: BadBoy | SpamBlock | TradeFilter
Spell Checker: Misspelled

Class Colors

ColorPickerPlus | ColorTools Class Colors | We Want Blue Shamans

Class Trainer

Class Trainer Plus | Field Guide | TrainerFilterFix | What's Training?

Collections | Companions | Mounts

All The Things | PetTracker | Rarity
Mount Summoning: Bestride Mount Manager


Alert When Standing in Bad Stuff: GTFO
CC Target Warning: Sheepdog
CC Tracker: ccc | Loss of Control Alerter | LossOfControlMessages
Combat Text: Advanced Scrolling Combat Text | Classic Floating Combat Text | Floating Combat Text Fix | MikScrollingBattleText | Parrot 2 | SCT Damage Reborn | SCT Reborn
Duel: MicroDeclineDuel
Low Health Alert: Health Alarm
Range to Target Display: RangeDisplay
Resource Tracking - Combo Points/Mana/Energy: BasicComboPoints | Engraved | FiveSecondRule | NugComboBar | NugEnergy | PowerSpark
Rotation: Conditioner | ConROC
Self Healing Macro: Auto Potion
Show Targeting Recticle on Key Down - Cast on Key Release: Grounded
Sounds: dG Killshot | Hear Kitty | Vocal Raid Assistant | xanSoundAlerts
Spell Activations: SpellActivationOverlay
Spell Announcements: Simple Interrupt Announce | SpellNotifications | SpellWhisper
Tanking: TankHelper | Who Taunted
Track Mob Kills: KillTrack
Track Used Party Abilities: TrufiGCD
Weapon Swing Timer: WeaponSwingTimer


Cursor Cooldown Reloaded | CursorMod | CursorTrail

Damage Meter

Details! | Recount | SkadaF


Data Bars | Data Broker

Displays: Bazooka | Button Bin | ChocolateBar | Titan Panel
Plugins: Broker Anything | Broker Everything

Plugin Search
Broker(Curse) | Broker(WoWI) | Titan Panel(Curse) | Titan Panel(WoWI)


BagAppraiser | BagValue | Cha-Ching | Farm Buddy | Farmer | Farming Bar | Gathering | Gathering Tracker | GrindPlus | Hyperspawn | KiwiFarm | MoneyLooter | SellableItemDrops

Frame Mods

Disable Frame Close When Opening Multiple Frames: No Auto Close
Hide Frames: Frame Fader | Immersive
Move Frames: BlizzMove | Drift | MoveAny
Move Loot Roll Frame: LootRollMover

Friends | Ignore

Character Notes | FriendGroups | Friend List Colors | Friend Notes | Global Ignore List and Spam Filter | I Remember You

Gear | Stat Priority

Best in Slot: BIS Classic | BiS Tracker Classic | Loon Best In Slot
Boss Loot Tables: AtlasLootClassic for Fresh | AtlasLoot Classic Fork
Character Frame/Stats: DejaClassicStats | Extended Character Stats | Fizzle | Gear Rarity | Narcissus | Simple Item Levels | SinStats Character Stats
Compare: Auto Equipment Compare
Gear Scores in Tooltips for Comparisons: GearScoreClassic+ | Pawn
Inspect: Merinspect | tdInspect
Managers: alaGearMan | EquipmentSets | GearMenu | GearQuipper | ItemRack | Outfitter


Fast Guild Invite | GBankClassic | Guildbook | Guild Betrayer | Guild Class Colors | GuildNotifications | Guild Recruiter | Guild Roster Manager | Guild Search | Guild Tracker


DangerQuestAlert | Deathlog | Deathlog Radar | Hardcore | HC Safety | HighLevelAlert | UnitScan Hardcore

Interface Options

AW Interface Option Settings | Annoying Pop-Up Remover | CTMod | Def's Toolbox | Easy Delete | Leatrix Plus | ProjectAzilroka
Camera Settings: ActionCamPlus | Combat Mode | Def's Camera Zoom | DynamicCam | FasterCamera | MaxCam | Max Camera Distance


Gold Tracking: GoldCoffer | Gold Stock Summary | Simple Gold Counter | xanGoldMine
Inventory Colors: Colored Inventory Items | oGlowClassic
Inventory Sorting/Stacking: BankStack | Cleanup | Genie | RinseOBags | SortBags
Inventory Trackers: BagSync | Stash | Syndicator


Clicked | Clique | KeyBindProfiles


AutoLayer | Bulo Layer Changer | Layerbeacon | Layerbounce

LFG - Looking for Group

ChatCleanerClassic | ClassicLFG | Groupie | LFG Filters | LFG Group Bulletin Board | lookingforgroup(lfg) | Party Planner


Replace Default Loot Frame: Improved Loot Frame | Plumber | XLoot
Auto Open Items: Clam Pulp | FastOpen | Open Sesame
Auto Roll Equip: AutoGear
Loot Filter: AutoLooter
Loot List Notification: Loot Alarm
Loot Toast Notification: Looti | Lootifications | ls: Toasts | RPGLootFeed
Speed Up Looting: Faster Loot | Speedy AutoLoot


M6 | MacroManager | Macro Toolkit
Adds a Macro Which Creates a Flyout List: Select
Automatic Updating for Best Food/Water Macros: Buffet
Create Sequence of Macros: GSE: Gnome Sequencer Enhanced
Improve Macro Icons: LargerMacroIconSelection


Bulk Mail Inbox | Favorite Contacts | Gnomish Inbox Shrinker | MailLogger | MailNotifier | OpenAll | Postal
Sending Items to Alts: MailCommander | Plain AutoMail


Carbonite Classic | Enhance BattlefieldMinimap | Enhanced World Map | Leatrix Maps | Simpler Map
Add a Line from Your Character to the Edge of the Map: MapLine
Add Pin: WorldMapPin
Add Waypoints: TomTom
Add Zone Details: ZoneInfo
Coordinates: Coordinates | MapCoords | X and Y
Instance Maps: Atlas
Map Notes: Candy Buckets | Cpt Stadics Vendor Treasures | HandyNotes

Atlas | HandyNotes


BasicMinimap | DejaMinimap | Neat Minimap | SexyMap
Alerts for Tracked Items: Minimap Alert
Change Minimap Icons: Keyboard's Minimap Icons
Control Minimap Buttons: HidingBar | KiwiMBC | MinimapButtonButton | One For All
Show the Direction You are Going: Red Arrow


AFK: AFK Fullscreen Warning | AFK Screen
Alts Tracking: Armory
Classic Score: Classic Score
Create Wowhead Links: Wowhead Quick Link
Durability: Detailed Durability
Flight: InFlight Taxi Timer
Fonts: GinkoText
Information: Saved!
Information Bars: XIV Databar
Notepads: Notepad | TinyPad
Screenshots: ScreenPlus
Search Game Item Database: Global Search | Ludwig
Skip Cinematics/Movies: Cinematic Skipper
Spellbook: SpellBook Abridged | SpellBook Highlight
To Do Lists: EasyCheck | Nys To-Do List
Use Console Controllers: ConsolePort
Weapon Trainers: WeaponTrainers


BetterBlizzPlates | ClassicPlates Plus | KiwiPlates | KuiNameplates | NeatPlates | PhantomPlates | Plater Nameplates | Threat Plates
Add Auras: NameplateAuras | NugPlateAuras
Add Class Colors: K Nameplate Color | NameplateColors
Add Combat Text: Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text
Add Target Indicator: Target Nameplate Indicator
Remove Debuffs: Remove Nameplate Debuffs


Attunement: Attune
Combat Log: AutoCombatLogger | LoggerHeadLite
Lockouts: Nova Instance Tracker
Mob Marking: DejaMark | Simple Raid Target Icons
Threat Meter: Arvere Threat Meter | ThreatClassic2 | ThreatMeter


Boss Mods Dungeon: LittleWigs


Boss Mods Raid: Boss Ability Announcement | Big Wigs | Deadly Boss Mods
Raid: Method Raid Tools | Nova Raid Companion
Raid Leader: oRA3 | RankSentinel | Transcriptor
Raid Leader Looting: Core Loot Manager | Drunkard Suicide Kings | Gargul | GDKPdClassic | LootReserve | NotaLoot | PlusOne | RCLootCouncil
Resurrection: Thaliz

Big Wigs | Deadly Boss Mods


Mark Healers: Healers Have to Die
Show If Unit is in Combat: UnitInCombat
Show Rank Progress: Ranker
Track Enemy Cooldowns: OmniBar


Atlas Battlegrounds | BattleGroundEnemies | BattlegroundSpiritReleaser | Capping | SafeQueue


AtlasQuest | CodexLite | Dugi Questing Essential | Questie
Abandon: Reckless Abandon
Accept/Turnin Automation: Auto Quests | Blitz | Turn In
Add Quest Info to Tooltip of Vendorable Items: QuestInfoTooltip
Leveling Guides: Guidelime | Wow-Pro Guides
Find Quest Mobs: Mob Search | unitscan
NPC Voiceover: Chatty Little NPC | Quest TTS | VoiceOver
Objective Tracker: Kaliel's Tracker | Syling Tracker
Progress/Completion Sounds/Chat Announcements: Quest Announce | Quest Crier | Smart Quest
Progress/Completion Status: Quest Completist | Wholly & Grail
Quest Log: Wide Quest Log Plus
Replace Quest/Gossip NPC Interaction Frames: Dialogue UI | Immersion | Interaction
Reward Item Value: BestSellButton
XP Trackers: Quest XP Tracker


Rare Alert | RareScanner | SilverDragon


RepByZone | Reputation Guide | Reputation Watcher


Hidden NPC Gossip Enabler | MyRolePlay | Pet Emote | Story Teller | Total RP 3 | Total RP 3: RP Name in Quest Text


alaTalentEmu | Talent Sequence | Talented Classic


TacoTip | TinyTooltip | TipTac | Tooltip Cleaner | ZaremTooltip
Add Best In Slot: SpecBisTooltip
Add Guild Name: Guild Tooltip
Add Item Icon: xanTooltipIcon
Add Item ID's: idTip
Add Item Use: What's That For
Add Mob Health/Mana/Ability Info: ClassicBestiary | MobInfo2 | NpcAbilities | Spells & Notes
Add NPC Spawn Times: NPC Time
Add Vendor Price: Better Vendor Price | Sell Price per Unit | Vendor Price
Add Who Sells or Drops an Item: Where Do I Get It
Convert Combat Ratings: Rating Buster | Stat Weights Classic
Customize Stats Formatting: ZeraTooltip
Move Tooltip: Move Tooltip Lite


Replace/Enhance Crafting Frame: alaTradeSkill | Cloudy TradeSkill | Skillet | TradeSkillMaster | Wide Trade Skills Plus
Add Profession Information to Tooltip: Craft Info Anywhere | ItemTooltipProfessionIcons | Where to Gather
Advertise to Chat: Message Barker
Cooldowns: Lemmo's Craft Cooldown | Profession Cooldown
Find Unlearned Recipes: Missing TradeSkills List | Recipe Master | Unlearned Recipes
Filter: ClassicProfessionFilter
Show Raw Materials Needed to Craft Profession Items: Reverse Engineering
Train All: TrainAll

Specific Tradeskills
Cooking: Bites
Enchanting: Disenchant Buddy | Disenchant Crafted Items | Disenchanter Plus | Enchant Clickables | Pro Enchanters
Fishing: Angler Atlas | Angleur | Better Fishing | Fishbringer | Fishing Buddy
Gathering/Heralism/Mining: ClassicTrackingReminder | FarmHud | GatherBot | GatherLite | GatherMate2 | Profession Assistance | QuickRoutes | Routes
Gathering/Heralism/Mining Tooltips: GatheringTooltip | Skill Info +
Milling/Prospecting/DisEnchanting: Breakables | Molinari


Unit Frames

BetterBlizzFrames | Discord Unit Frames | DUnitFrames | Easy Frames | Luna Unit Frames | Perl Classic | Pitbull | Shadowed Unit Frames
Add Class Icons: Classicons
Add Target Information: TargetPercent
Animate Portraits: Adapt
Enhance Default Unit Frames: BetterBlizzFrames | ClassicAuraDurations | Elite Player Frame | HealthBarColor | MobHealthClassic | Modern TargetFrame | ZaremUF
Enhance Default Party Frames: Party List Mover
Enhance Default Raid Frames: Buff Overlay | RaidFadeMore | Raid Frame Opacity
Fade Party/Raid Frame Manager: DejaPRFader
Solo Raid Frame: K Solo Raid Frames
Sort: FrameSort

Enhance Default Raid Frames: ClassicHealPrediction | Enhanced Raid Frames | HealBarsClassic | Kallye Raid Frames | RaidFrameSettings
Replace Default Raid Frames: Aptechka | Cell | DRaidFrames | Grid2 | Healbot | Inven Raid Frame | Plexus | Quick Heal | VuhDo
Add Spell Buttons/Bars to Unit Frames: HealerHelper | Healium
Announce Status to Chat: Healer Protection


Compact Vendor | Extended Vendor | GnomishVendorShrinker | xMerchant
Auto Repair: Fast Auto Repair
Auto Restock: Consumable Tracker | Reagent Filler | Restocker Classic
Auto Sell: FastAutoSell | Lemmo's Sell Greys | Peddler | Scrap
Auto Sell/Buy/Repair: AutoShop
Auto Sell/Repair: Vendormatic
Auto Sell/Repair/Destroy: Aardvark
Color Known Recipes: Already Known?


Lemmos Experience Bar | XP Bar Text | XP MultiBar