Changing Fonts
You can replace the original game fonts with the fonts you want to use. Create the following folder:
Classic Era/SOD/HC: <WoW directory>\_classic_era_\Fonts\
Cataclysm: <WoW directory>\_classic_\Fonts\
Retail: <WoW directory>\_retail_\Fonts\
Create copies of the font file of your choice, place them in the above folder, and rename them to the following names:
- ARIALN.ttf (chat font, info text, small text)
- DAMAGE.ttf (damage font)
- FRIENDS.ttf (friends list text)
- FRIZQT__.ttf (the main UI font - NPC names, player names, spell names, item names, buffs, quest log text, combat text, button text)
- MORPHEUS.ttf (mail text, quest log header text)
- skurri.ttf (default unit frame combat text)
Popular Fonts
NOTE: Google Font pages act weird when linked. If you get the "Unfortunately, this page doesn't exist." message refresh the page.
dafont has many good fonts to choose from. Wowhead has a font replacement guide