Welcome to Vranx!

Vranx was created in January 2008 to help World of Warcraft players find addons and compilations. Addons are broken down into specific categories making it easier to find what you are looking for. This page has Retail The War Within addons, go to Cataclysm, go to Classic Era/SoD/HC.

Addon Categories for The War Within


AchievementsReminder | Faction Addict | Instance Achievement Tracker | Krowi's Achievement Filter | LazyCurve | RaidAchievement | WoW Challenger

Action Bar

Bartender4 | Dominos
Add Bars/Buttons: ActionbarPlus | ButtonForge | Geist | OPie | ShadowDancer
Cooldown Numbers: CooldownCount | FastCooldownTimer | OmniCC
Hide Animations: HideActionbarAnimations
Hide Borders: HideActionBarBorders
Hide Button Glow: Hide Button Glow
Mouseover Bars: Action Bars Mouseover | Mouseover Action Settings
Red out of Range: tullaRange
Show Buffs/Debuffs/Spell Activations: AdiButtonAuras | LiteButtonAuras
Show Power/Mana Use on Buttons: MissingPower
Trinket Bar: TrinketMenu

Addon Control | Settings

Addon Control: Addon Control Panel | BetterAddonList | Simple Addon Manager
Addon CPU Usage: Addon Usage | AddOns CPU Usage
Alignment Grid: Alignment Grids | Pixel Perfect Align
Display Lua Errors: BugGrabber | BugSack
Error Messages Redirect: Error Filter | ErrorMonster | SmartError | xanErrorDevourer
Profiles | Settings: BtWLoadouts | Myslot


Altoholic | AltVault | Armory | Exlist | Rested | WoWthing Collector


Auctionator | Auctioneer | TradeSkillMaster
Custom Categories: Custom Categories
Display Prices in Tooltips: AHDB | Oribos Exchange | RECrystallize
Track Sales: Journalator

Audio | Video | Graphics

Add Textures Sounds Fonts: MerfinPlus | SharedMedia | SharedMedia_Causese
Character Selection | Login Screens: Login Screen and Character Select Glues
Darker Frames: DarkMode | FrameColor | Uber UI
Graphics: Aurora | BTex | Gryphons Remover | SL Micro Menu Buttons | Skinner | Sunn Viewport Art | TalentArt
Listen to and Play Music with Nearby Players: Musician
Mute: MuteSoundFile
Replace Icons: Clean Icons - Mechagnome Edition | Flat Player Icons | Simpy's Styled Interface Icons
Skin Buttons: Masque
Sound Browser: Leatrix Sounds

Masque | SharedMedia

Bags | Inventory

Bags - One Big Bag: Bagnon | Baud Bag | Inventorian | LiteBag
Bags - One Big Bag or Sorted into Categories: Baganator
Bags - Sorted into Categories: AdiBags | ArkInventory | Baggins | BetterBags | Sorted
Bags - Searchable List including Alts: Baud Manifest
Currencies: CurrencySorter
Enhance Default Bags: Bagmeter | BoE Labels | Garbage Desaturation | ItemLevels | Simple Item Levels
Find Least Valuable Item to Delete: Dejunk | DropTheCheapestThing
Gold Tracking: Accountant | GoldCoffer | Gold Stock Summary | Simple Gold Counter | xanGoldMine
Inventory Sorting/Stacking: BankStack | Genie | RinseOBags
Inventory Trackers: BagSync | Stash | Syndicator | UberInventory

AdiBags | ArkInventory | Baganator | Bagnon | BetterBags | Inventorian | LiteBag | Sorted

Battle Pets

Annene | Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks | Battle Pet Binds | Battle Pet BreedID | Battle Pet Completionist | BattlePetCount NG | Battle Pet Daily Tamer | Battle Pet Tabs | Family Familiar Helper | PetBattleMaster | Pet Battle Scripts | PetBattle Teams Reloaded | Pokedex | Pokemon Trainer NG | Rematch

Buff | Debuff | Cooldowns

BasicBuffs | BigDebuffs | Buff Timers | ButtonTimers | Elkano's BuffBars | NeedToKnow | NugRunning | Raven | TellMeWhen | WeakAuras | xanBuffTimers | xanDebuffTimers
Buff Monitoring: Buffwatch++ | Buffzilla | SmartBuff
Cooldowns: Cooldown Timeline | CooldownToGo | Doom_CooldownPulse
Debuff Removal: Decursive | SmartDeBuff
Show Who Cast Buff: Buff Owner


CastCursor | Classic Castbars | Gnosis | Legion Classic Castbars | Quartz | Voodoo Casting Bar


BasicChatMods | Chatter | DejaChat | LS: Glass | Minimalist Chat | Prat | xanChat
Add Guildies Main Names to Chat: Alts
Add Icons to Links: ChatLinkIcons
Add Your Main Name to Chat: Incognito | Who Im I
Allow Multiple Guilds to share Guild Chat: EK XFaction | GreenWall
Bar for Channel Selection: ChatBar | FastQuickChat
Bind Keys to Chat Channels: ChatKeys
Bind Windows to Chat Tabs: ChatTabBind
Block Channels: Block Blizzard Chat Channels
Block a Language: BlockChinese
Copy Chat Settings to Other Characters: Copybara
Copy Text: Paste NG | Chat Copy Paste
Go Over 255 Characters: UnlimitedChatMessage
Instant Messengers: FastWhisper | Whisp | WIM
Invites: Chat Invite Links | Invite On Whisper
Links: ItemLinkLevel | LinkWrangler
Log Chat Messages: Elephant
Move Input Box to Top of Chat Frame: ChatInputTop
Reformat System Messages: Cleaner Loot Messages | MiniLoot
Sounds: Chat Sound Customizer
Spam: BadBoy | TradeFilter

Collections | Companions | Mounts

All The Things | BartrubySummonPet | CollectorHelper | Livestock | PetTracker | Rarity | Toy Box Enhanced | Trove Tally
Manuscripts Collecting: Manuscripts Journal
Mount Collecting: Mount Collection Log | Mount Collector | Mount Journal Enhanced
Mount Summoning: Bestride Mount Manager | LiteMount | MountsJournal | Zone Mount
Pepe: Pepe Collection
See Where A Players Mount Came From: MountSpy
Tabards: Advanced Tabards | Tabard Addict


Combat Mode | Death Note | Grounded | KillTrack
Alert When Standing in Bad Stuff: GTFO
CC Tracker: LossOfControlMessages
Combat Text: Advanced Scrolling Combat Text | Classic Floating Combat Text | ClassicNumbers | MikScrollingBattleText | Parrot 2 | RgsCT | SCT Damage Reborn | SCT Reborn | xCT+ Combat Text
Crit Tracker: Critline
Duel: MicroDeclineDuel
Misdirect: TankMD Misdirect
Range to Target Display: RangeDisplay
Resource Tracking - Combo Points/Chi/Mana/Energy/Holy Power: BasicComboPoints | Compact Runes | DotFocus | Engraved | Galvin's UnitBars | NugComboBar | NugEnergy | Simple Combo Points | Simple Holy Power | Twintop's Resource Bar | UmberRunes
Rotation: Conditioner | ConRO | Hedd | Hekili | HeroRotation | MaxDps
Sounds: FocusInterruptSounds | Hear Kitty | Vocal Raid Assistant | xanSoundAlerts
Spell Announcements: RSA | Simple Interrupt Announce | SpellNotifications | SpellWhisper
Tanking: TankHelper | Who Taunted

Hekili | MaxDps


CastCursor | CursorMod | CursorTrail | Mouse Sonar | StarCursor

Damage Meter

Details! | Numeration | Recap | Recount | Skada


Data Bars | Data Broker

Displays: Bazooka | Button Bin | ChocolateBar | Titan Panel

Broker(Curse) | Broker(WoWI) | Titan Panel(Curse) | Titan Panel(WoWI)

Dragon Riding

Dragon Rider | Dragonriding Glider


BagAppraiser | Farmer | Farming Bar | Gathering | Gathering Tracker | GrindLoot | Hyperspawn | KiwiFarm | SellableItemDrops | WorthIt

Frame Mods

Automatic UI Fader | BlizzMove | DeModal | Drift | Frame Fader | MoveAny | No Auto Close
Achievement Frame: xanAchievementMover
Class Training Frame: TrainAll
Expansion Minimap Button: Hide Expansion Button | Summary Button Hider
Game Menu: Smaller Game Menu
Loot Roll: LootRollMover
Micro Menu Frame: Hide Micro Menu | Micro Menu Recolor
Spellbook: ClickCastingTab
Tabard Design: Tabardy
Talking Head: BeQuiet
XP/Rep Bar Frame: Bye Bye XPBar

Friends | Ignore

Character Notes | FriendGroups | Friend List Colors | Friend Notes | Global Ignore List and Chat Spam Filter | Iconer | I Remember You

Gear | Stat Priority

Auto Equip: Auto-Confirm Equip | Jeeves
Best in Slot: Best In Slot Manager
Boss Loot Tables: KeystoneLoot
Character Frame/Stats: BetterCharacterPanel | DejaCharacterStats | Domination Socket Helper | Durability And ItemLevel | Enchant Me | Fizzle | iLevel | ItemLevelDisplay | Kibs Item Level | Narcissus | Simple Item Levels | SinStats Character Stats
Character Simulation/Improvement: AskMrRobot | Simulationcraft
Compare: Auto Equipment Compare
Convert Combat Ratings into Percentages in Tooltips: Convert Ratings
Gear Scores in Tooltips for Comparisons: GearHelper | GearStatistics | Pawn
Inspect: InspectEquip3 | Inspect iLvl | Merinspect | TinyInspect | TinyInspect-Reforged
Managers: ClosetGnome | ItemRack | Outfitter
Stat Priority: Icy Veins Stat Priority | Stat Priority


Classic Guild Frame | Fast Guild Invite | GuildApplicantTracker | GuildLeader | GuildMessageRemover | Guild Recruiter | Guild Roster Manager | Guild Search


Replace Default Raid Frames: Aptechka | Cell | DRaidFrames | Grid2 | Healbot | HotSpot | Plexus | Quick Heal | VuhDo | Whammy
Enhance Default Raid Frames: Buff Overlay | Enhanced Raid Frames | HealerHelper | RaidFrameSettings
Add Spell Buttons/Bars to Unit Frames: Healium | Rewatch
Announce Status to Chat: Healer Protection
Click Casting: Clique

Interface Options

Account Wide Interface Option Settings | AdvancedInterfaceOptions | Annoying Pop-Up Remover | CTMod | Def's Toolbox | Easy Delete | HelpMePlay | HideTalentAlert | Immersive | Leatrix Plus | Plumber | SneekeeMods | UIScale
Camera Settings: Def's Camera Zoom | DynamicCam | FasterCamera | Max Camera Distance
Enhance Blizzard HUD: BlizzHUDTweaks | Conceal | Edit Mode Expanded


Binder | BindPad | Clicked | KeyBindProfiles |


Angry Keystones | Astral Keys | Auto Keystone | DoKeys | KeyCount | Mythic Plus Key Announcer | WhatADrop

LFG - Looking for Group

LFGSpamFilter | lookingforgroup(lfg) | Spam Message Board
Add Players Country Flag: GroupfinderFlags
Premade Groups: Premade Applicants Filter | Premade Group Finder | Premade Groups Filter | Premade Regions


Replace Default Loot Frame: Improved Loot Frame | XLoot
Auto Open Items: FastOpen | New Openables | Openable Be Gone
Bonus XP: No Bonus XP
Loot Notifications: Lootifications | ls: Toasts
Speed Up Looting: Faster Loot | Speedy AutoLoot
Trade Loot: PersoLootRoll | Personal Loot Trader


M6 | Macro Toolkit | Mega Macro
Adds a Macro Which Creates a Flyout List: Select
Automatic Updating for Best Food/Water Macros: AutoBar | DrinkBot | Buffet
Create Sequence of Macros: GSE: Gnome Sequencer Enhanced
Improve Macro Icons: LargerMacroIconSelection


Bulk Mail Inbox | EasyMail | Favorite Contacts | Gnomish Inbox Shrinker | MailLogger | OpenAll | Postal
Sending Items to Alts: Bulk Mail | MailCommander


Carbonite Maps | Enhance BattlefieldMinimap | Fullscreen World Map Shrinker | Leatrix Maps | Mapster | Persistent World Map
Add Routes for Farming: Routes
Add Waypoints: TomTom
Add Zone Details: ZoneInfo 2
Coordinates: Coordinates | MapCoords | X and Y
Instance Maps: Atlas
Map Notes: Candy Buckets | Instance Portals Advanced | HandyNotes
Map Pins: Map Pin Enhanced | Unlimited Map Pin Distance
Show Gathering Nodes: GatherMate2
Show Wormholes: Interactive Wormholes



BasicMinimap | DejaMinimap | EKMinimap | Mappy | Neat Minimap | SexyMap | Square Minimap
Add a Line/Arrow for the Direction You are Heading: Handy Minimap Arrow | MinimapLine
Alerts for Tracked Items: Minimap Alert
Alerts for for Treasures and Rares: Minimap Range Extender | Vignette Announcer | What's On The Map?
Change Minimap Icons: Keyboard's Minimap Icons
Control Minimap Buttons: HidingBar | KiwiMBC | MinimapButtonBag | MinimapButtonButton


AFK: AFK Fullscreen Warning | AFK Screen
Bind Jump Key for Slow Fall Abilities: SlowFaller
Calendar: CalReminder | StartCalendarOnMonday
Colors: ColorPickerPlus | ColorTools Class Colors
Create Wowhead Links: Wowhead Quick Link
Durability: Detailed Durability
Event Tracking: Events Tracker
Flash Taskbar: Flash Taskbar
Flight: InFlight
Fonts: Fontmancer | GinkoText | Nice Damage | Scale UI Font
Information Bars: XIV Databar
Items Needed List: INeed
Mrrls Item Information: Mrrls Item Information
Screenshots: ScreenPlus
Search Game Item Database: Global Search | Ludwig
Skip Cinematics/Movies: Cinematic Skipper
To Do Lists: Chore Tracker | Nys To-Do List | Todo | Todoloo
Toy Box: Toy Box Enhanced
Use Console Controllers: ConsolePort
Zereth Mortis Helper: Zereth Mortis Puzzle Helper


Garrison Order Hall Report | Mission Report Button Plus | Mission Tables
Battle for Azeroth Command Table: ChampionCommander | War Plan
Dreanor Garrison: GarrisonCommander | Master Plan
Followers: FollowerLocationInfo
Legion Missions: OrderHallCommander
Shadowlands Covenant: TLDR Missions | Venture Plan


BetterBlizzPlates | DF Friendly Nameplates | KiwiPlates | KuiNameplates | NamePlateKAI | namePlateM+ | NeatPlates | Nephilist Nameplates | nPlates | Plater Nameplates | Threat Plates | Tidy Plates
Add Auras: NameplateAuras | NugPlateAuras
Add Cooldowns: NameplateCooldowns
Add Combat Text: Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text
Add Quest Indicator: KAI Quest Indicator
Add Target Indicator: Target Nameplate Indicator
Add Threat: Blizzard Nameplates - Threat


Character Notes | Notepad | Notes | TinyPad


Combat Log: AutoCombatLogger | LoggerHeadLite
Display Active Bonus Queues: Call to Arms
Lockouts: Adventure Guide Lockouts | Am I locked out? | Nova Instance Tracker | Saved Instances
Loot Spec: Loot Spec Swapper
Mob Marking: AutoMarkTarget | DejaMark | FastMarks | MagicMarker | MarkAssistant | MarkMe | Simple Raid Target Icons | wMarker
Satchels: bobSatchels
Targeting: Magic Targets 2
Threat Meter: ThreatMeter
Track Party/Raid Cooldowns: Ability Team Tracker | OmniCD


Boss Mods Dungeon: Dungeon Aura Tools | LittleWigs | Wind Dungeon Helper
Mists of Tirna Scithe Helper: Maze Helper
Mythic: AlterEgo | GottaGoFaster | MDT Guide | iP Mythic Timer | Key Master | Mplus Gains | Mythic Dungeon Portals | Mythic Dungeon Tools | Mythic IO Grabber | MythicPlusDrop | Mythic Plus Pull ReEstimated | MythicPlus Timer | Mythic Plus Tweaks | M+ Adventure Guide | WarpDeplete
Track Used Party Abilities: TrufiGCD


Boss Encounter Recording: CombatReplay
Boss Mods Raid: Boss Ability Announcement | Big Wigs | Deadly Boss Mods
Practice: X Practice
Raid: Echo Raid Tools | Infinite Raid Tools | Magic Targets | Method Raid Tools | PhenomRaidTools | Raider.IO
Raid Leader: Angry Assignments | Astral Analytics | BossModChecker | O Item Level | oRA3 | PhoenixStyle | Raid Assist | Raid Command | RaidSlackCheck | Transcriptor
Raid Leader Looting: Core Loot Manager | Gargul | LootMonitor | PantheonDKP | RCLootCouncil

Big Wigs | Deadly Boss Mods


DontCast | GearStick | Gladiator Shuffle Blitz Tracker | Killshot | Spy | TopTarget | UnitInCombat | weizPVP
High Level Alerts: HighLevelAlert
Mark Healers: Healers Have to Die
Sounds: FocusInterruptSounds
Track Debuffs: BigDebuffs
Track Dimishing Returns on CC: Diminish | Diminishing Returns Viewer
Track Enemy Cooldowns: OmniBar
Track Party/Raid Cooldowns: Ability Team Tracker | OmniCD
Track Used Party Abilities: TrufiGCD


ArenaMarker | GladiatorlosSA2 | GladiusEx | Gladius War Within | REFlex-Arena/Battleground Historian | sArena


Battleground Commander | BattleGroundEnemies | BattlegroundSpiritReleaser | Battleground Win Conditions | Capping | Enhance BattlefieldMinimap | Incoming | Incoming-BG | JustInTime | REFlex-Arena/Battleground Historian | REPorter-Battleground Map | SafeQueue


AtlasQuest | Carbonite Quests | Dugi Questing Essential | Quester
Abandon: Reckless Abandon
Accept/Turnin Automation: Auto Quests | QuickQuest | Turn In
Dark Moon Faire: DMF Quest
Find Quest Mobs: Mob Search | MultiTargets | UnitScanner
Leveling Guides: Azeroth Pilot Reloaded | Wow-Pro Guides
Minimap Icons: QuestPointer
NPC Voiceover: Chatty Little NPC | Quest TTS | WoW Voice Lector
Objective Tracker - Enhance: Auto Quest Tracker | Hide Objective Tracker | KamberQuests | QToggler | QuestTrackerMover | Resize Objective Frame
Objective Tracker - Replace: Kaliel's Tracker | SorhaQuestLog | Syling Tracker
Progress/Completion Sounds/Chat Announcements: Quest Announce | QuestNoise | Smart Quest
Progress/Completion Status: Quest Completist | QuestLookup | Wholly & Grail
Quest Button/Macro: ExtraQuestButton
Quest Chain Progress: BtWQuests
Quest Log: Classic Quest Log | Collapse Quest Log
Replace Quest/Gossip NPC Interaction Frames: Dialogue UI | Immersion | Queso | Storyline
Reward Item Value: BestSellButton
Waypoints Arrow: TomTom
World Quests: Angrier World Quests | Better World Quests | World Quest Tracker | World Quests List



Def's Rare Safari | Rare Alert | Rare Share | RareScanner | RareTracker | SilverDragon | Tomcat's Tours


Reputation | Renown

Inactive Reputation Headers | Paragon | Pretty Reputation | RepByZone | Reputation Bars | Reputation Guide | Reputation Watcher | WorthIt - Guides


Hidden NPC Gossip Enabler | MyRolePlay | Pet Emote | Total RP 3 | Total RP 3: RP Name in Quest Text | XRP
Chat: Cross RP | Emote Splitter | Listener | Tongues


Improved Talent Loadouts | Talent Loadout Ex | Talent Tree Tweaks | Talent Tree Viewer | Talented Classic


ManiaTip | TinyTooltip | TinyTooltip-Reforged | TipTac | Tooltip Cleaner | TooltipInfo | Tooltip Upgrades | ZaremTooltip
Add Best In Slot: SpecBisTooltip
Add Expansion Added: ItemVersion
Add Gear Upgrade Progression Cost: ItemUpgradeTip
Add Item Icon: xanTooltipIcon
Add Item ID's: idTip
Add Item Level for Items: Tooltip Item Level
Add Item Level and Spec for Players: Khes'yc iLvl
Add Mob Health/Mana/Ability Info: MobInfo2
Add NPC Spawn Times: NPC Time
Add Profession Information: SmexyMats | Where to Gather
Add Realm Info: TooltipRealmInfo
Add Spell Info: Harreks Advanced Tooltips
Add Stat Info: True Stat Values
Add Vendor Price: Better Vendor Price | Sell Price Per Unit
Clean Up Recipes: Tidy Recipe Tooltip


Craft Info Anywhere | CraftSim | SGT CraftCost | Skillet | TradeSkillFluxCapacitor | TradeSkillMaster | WeeklyKnowledge
Add if an Alt knows a Recipe to the Tooltip: DoesMyAltKnowThat?
Advertise to Chat: Message Barker?
Filter Work Orders: No Mats No Make
Leveling Guides: WorthIt - Guides
Shopping List: Profession Shopping List
Train All: TrainAll

Specific Tradeskills
Archaeology: Minimal Archaeology
Enchanting: Disenchant Crafted Items | Disenchanter | Enchant Vellum
Fishing: Angleur | Better Fishing | Better Ice Fishing | FishingAce | Fishing Buddy | Fishing Mode | Interactive Fishing Bobber | MrFish
Gathering/Heralism/Mining: FarmHud | GatherBot | GatherMate2 | Routes
Inscription: GlyphList
Milling/Prospecting/DisEnchanting: Breakables | Molinari | Profession Assistance



AppearanceTooltip | Better Wardrobe and Transmog | Caerdon Wardrobe | Can I Mog It? | Collectionator | Extended Transmog Sets | MogIt | MogPartialSets | mOnArsWardrobeHelper | Transmog Loot Helper | Transmog Outfits

Unit Frames

Classic Frames | Discord Unit Frames | Easy Frames | Perl Classic | Pitbull | Shadowed Unit Frames | Z-Perl Unit Frames
Add Class Icons: Classicons
Add Target Information: TargetPercent
Animate Portraits: Adapt
Enhance Default Unit Frames: BetterBlizzFrames | BiggerHealthBar | Elite Player Frame | HealthBarColor | UnitFramesImproved
Enhance Default Party Frames: Big Party Frames | Soulaire Unit Frames
Enhance Default Raid Frames: Buff Overlay | Enhanced Raid Frames | HealerHelper | Kallye Raid Frames | Nioro | RaidFrameSettings
Replace Default Raid Frames: Aptechka | AshToAsh | Cell | DRaidFrames | Grid2 | Healbot | HotSpot | Inven Raid Frame | Plexus | VuhDo
Solo Raid Frame: K Solo Raid Frames
Sort: FrameSort | Sort Raid and Party


Compact Vendor | Merchant Plus | xMerchant
Auto Repair: Fast Auto Repair
Auto Sell: FastAutoSell | Lemmo's Sell Greys | Scrap
Auto Sell/Destroy: Vendor
Auto Sell/Repair: Vendormatic
Auto Sell/Repair/Destroy: Aardvark
Auto Sell/Repair/Restock: MarcoPolo
Color Known Recipes: Already Known?
Scraping: Easy Scrap


Experiencer | Lemmos Experience Bar | Player XP Bar | XP Bar Text | XP MultiBar | XToLevel