Addon Categories for Retail Dragonflight


AchievementsReminder | HaveIDoneThat | Instance Achievement Tracker | Krowi's Achievement Filter | LazyCurve | RaidAchievement | WoW Challenger

Action Bar

Replace Default Action Bars: Bartender4 | Dominos
Add Bars/Buttons: ActionbarPlus | ButtonForge | Geist | OPie | ShadowDancer
Adds Pressed Button Animation: jButtonFlash
Button Glow Toggle: SpellAlertToggle
Cooldown Color: GreyOnCooldown
Cooldown Numbers: OmniCC | tullaCC
Flyout Buttons: FloFlyout
Hide Animations: HideActionbarAnimations
Hide Borders: HideActionBarBorders
Hide Button Glow: Hide Button Glow
Mouseover Bars: MouseoverActionBars
Red out of Range: tullaRange
Show Buffs/Debuffs/Spell Activations: AdiButtonAuras | LiteButtonAuras
Trinket Bar: TrinketMenu
Wipe Bars: WipeBarsConfirm

Addon Control | Settings

Addon Control: Addon Control Panel | AddOn Suite | BetterAddonList | Simple Addon Manager | TooManyAddons
Addon CPU Usage: Addon Usage | AddOns CPU Usage
Alignment Grid: eAlign | Pixel Perfect Align | wAlign
Display Lua Errors: BugGrabber | BugSack
Error Messages Redirect: ErrorMonster | xanErrorDevourer
Profiles | Settings: BtWLoadouts | Myslot


Altoholic | AltVault | Armory | Exlist | WoWthing Collector
Track Alts Recipes: DoesMyAltKnowThat?
Track Alts Reputation: AltReps

Art | Graphics

Aurora | BTex | Gryphons Remover | HideActionBarBorders | iSquidMod | Skinner
Create Panels: kgPanels
Darker Frames: Dark Theme UI | DarkMode | FrameColor | Uber UI
Replace Graphics: Clean Icons - Mechagnome Edition | Dark Theme UI | Flat Player Icons | Shadowlands Micro Menu Buttons
Skin Buttons: Masque

Masque: Bagnon | Blizz Bars | Blizz Buffs | Blizzard Inventory | Dominos | LiteBag | OPie
Masque Themes: Apathy | Caith | Cirque | CleanUI | ElvUI | Entropy | FlatSquares | Fusion | Gears | Goldpaw | Hex | LiteStep | Muq | Neuron | Newsom | Onyx | Qhil | Raeli | Serenity | Simplicity | Squarish | Squat | Stylo | Umbra


Auctionator | Auctioneer | TradeSkillMaster
Custom Categories: Custom Categories
Display Prices in Tooltips: AHDB | Oribos Exchange | RECrystallize
Reports: Auction Watch
Show Bids: AH_ShowBid
Sniping: AnS | Point Blank Sniper
Track Sales: Journalator | Paras Book
Transmog Tracker: Collectionator | CollectionShop


Bags - One Big Bag: Baganator | Bagnon | Baud Bag | Inventorian | LiteBag
Bags - Sorted into Categories: AdiBags | ArkInventory | Baggins | BetterBags | cargBags | Sorted
Bags - Searchable List including Alts: Baud Manifest
Auto Open Container: Auto Open Items | FastOpen | New Openables | Openable Be Gone | Open Sesame!
Enhance Default Bags: BagSearchPlus | BoE Labels | Garbage Desaturation | ItemLevels | Simple Bag Indicators | Simple Item Levels
Find Least Valuable Item to Delete when Bags are Full: BagSaver | Dejunk | DropTheCheapestThing | Spinx Bag Space | Worthless
Show Remaining Bag Space: Bagmeter
Stack Items: Stackpack

AdiBags: Alchemy | Anima Item Filter | Archaeology | BankStack | Battle Pet Items | Bears Ultimate | Blacksmithing | BoE & BoA | Bound | By Expansion | Conduit Item Filter | ConsolePort Support | Cooking | Corruption Gear | Crafting Knowledge | Dragonflight | Dragonflight | Dragonflight Crafting | Elementals | ElvUI Skin | Emerald Dream | Enchanting | Engineering | Fishing | Fishing | Fishing Items | Forbidden Reach | Hearthstones | Herbs | Highlevel | Inscription | Jewelcrafting | Jukebox | Keystones | Korthian Relics | Leatherworking | Legendary | Legion | Lootboxes | Low Level | Mining | Nilganihmaht | Pawn | PetBattleItems | Primordial Stones | Queen's Conservatory | Secrets of Azeroth | Shadowflame Crest and Fragment | Shadowlands | Shards of Domination | Sinrunner Blanchy Items | Tabards | Tailoring | The War Within | TradeableLoot | TSM Price | Upgrade Level | Upgrade Track | World Events | Zaralek Cavern | Zereth Mortis
ArkInventory: Rules | Rules_Profession | Rules_TSMValue
Bagnon: BoE | Expansion | Garbage | ItemInfo | ItemLevel | ItemStats | Masque | RequiredLevel | Uncollected
BetterBags: Appearances | Archaeology | Azerothian Archives | Battle Pet Items | BetterSort | BoE BoA | Dragonflight | Dragonflight Categories | Dragonflight Crafting | Dragonflight Reputation | Druid Shapeshifts | ElvUI Skin | Fishing | Gear First | Gear/Equipment Sets | Guardians of the Dream | Hearthstones | iLvl | ImportExport | Keystones | Legendary | Secrets | Shadowlands | Tabards | Teleports | Timerunning | Transmogs | TSM | World Events
Inventorian: BoE | Item Level | Search Presets | Simple Item Levels | Upgrade Icons
LiteBag: BOE | Crafting Quality | Hide Highlight | Item Level | Junk | Masque It | Pawn | Uncollected

Battle Pets

Annene | Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks | Battle Pet Daily Tamer | PetTracker | Pokedex | Rematch

Buff | Debuff | Cooldowns

Aura Frames | AuraTracker | BasicBuffs | BigDebuffs | Buff Timers | Bufflehead | ButtonTimers | Elkano's BuffBars | Gnosis | NeedToKnow | NugRunning | Power Auras | Raven | TellMeWhen | WeakAuras | xanBuffTimers | xanDebuffTimers
Buff Monitoring: Buffwatch++ | Buffzilla | SmartBuff
Buffs/Debuffs on Nameplates: NameplateAuras | NugPlateAuras
Cooldowns: CooldownCount | CooldownToGo | Doom_CooldownPulse | OmniCD | TimerBars
Debuff Removal: Decursive | SmartDeBuff
Show Cooldowns on Action Bar Buttons: OmniCC | tullaCC
Show Who Cast Buff: Buff Owner


Calendar Checker | CalReminder


CastCursor | Classic Castbars | eCastingBar | Gnosis | HideCastbar | NugCast | OldCastbars | Quartz | Voodoo Casting Bar


alaChat | BasicChatMods | Chatter | DejaChat | LS: Glass | Minimalist Chat | Prat | xanChat
Add Icons to Links: ChatLinkIcons
Add Your Main Name to Chat: Incognito | Who Im I
Add Guildies Main Names to Chat: Alts
Allow Multiple Guilds to share Guild Chat: EK XFaction | GreenWall
Announce Spell Casts to Chat: Raeli's Spell Announcer
Bar for Channel Selection: ChatBar | QuickChat
Bind Keys to Chat Channels: ChatKeys
Bind Windows to Chat Tabs: ChatTabBind
Block a Language: BlockChinese
Copy Chat Settings to Other Characters: Copybara
Copy Text: Chat Copy Paste
Go Over 255 Characters: UnlimitedChatMessage
Instant Messengers: Cellular | Sessions Messenger | WIM
Invites: Invite On Whisper
Links: LinkWrangler
Log Chat Messages: Elephant
Move Input Box to Top of Chat Frame: ChatInputTop
Reformat System Messages: Cash Flow Lite | Chat Cleaner | Cleaner Loot Messages | LootLite | MiniLoot
Resize Input Box: Big Input Box
Roleplay: Emote Splitter | Listener | Tongues
Show Chat as Combat Text: ScrollingChatText
Sounds: Chat Notifications | Chat Sound Customizer | Notifly
Spam: BadBoy | Global Ignore List and Chat Spam Filter | LFG Shout/Trade Shout | LFGSpamFilter
Track Whispers: WhispList

Collections | Companions | Mounts

All the Things | gmPets | Livestock | Rarity | Toy Box Enhanced | ToyPlus
Manuscripts Collecting: Manuscripts Journal
Mount Collecting: Mount Collection Log | Mount Collector | Mount Journal Enhanced | WorthIt - Guides
Mount Summoning: Choose Mount | gmMounts | LiteMount | MountsJournal | Unicycle | ValorMount | Zone Mount
Pepe: Pepe Collection
See Where A Players Mount Came From: MountSpy
Soulshapes: Soulshape Journal
Tabards: Advanced Tabards | Tabard Addict
Warfront Rares: Warfront Rare Tracker


Combat Mode | Grounded | KillTrack | UnitInCombat
Alert When Standing in Bad Stuff: GTFO
CC Tracker: Afterlife Crowd Control | LoseControl
Combat Text: Classic Floating Combat Text | MikScrollingBattleText | RgsCT | SCT Damage Reborn | SCT Reborn | xCT+ Combat Text
Duel: MicroDeclineDuel
Focus Target: FocusInterruptSounds
Range to Target Display: RangeDisplay
Resource Tracking - Combo Points/Chi/Mana/Energy/Holy Power: BasicComboPoints | DotFocus | Engraved | Galvin's UnitBars | Magic Runes | MissingPower | NugComboBar | NugEnergy
Rotation: Conditioner | Conflict Rotation Optimizer | EventHorizon | Hekili | HeroRotation | MaxDps | RotaCast | Watcher
Sounds: Hear Kitty
Tanking: TankHelper | Who Taunted


CursorMod | CursorTrail | Mouse Sonar
Castbar on Cursor: CastCursor

Damage Meter

Details! | Numeration | Recap | Recount | Skada

Data Bars | Data Broker

Data Broker Displays: Bazooka | Button Bin | ChocolateBar | NinjaPanel | StatBlockCore | Titan Panel
Data Broker Plugins: Am I locked out? | Ara Broker Guild Friends | Ara Broker Reputations | Ara Broker XP | Audio Hardware | BagAppraiser | Broker Anything | Broker Everything | BagFu | BagInfo | Calendar Reborn | Call to Arms | Cash | ClosetGnome | Compass | CTABroker | Currency Tracking | DropTheCheapestThing | Dungeon Difficulty | DungeonStatus | DurabilityInfo | Durrability | EmoteLDB | Fishing Buddy | GGSocialState2 | GlobalPlayed | GoldTracker | gmAutopsy | gmBagSlots | gmDurability | gmEquipSet | gmExp | gmFonts | gmFriends | gmGuild | gmGuildFriends | gmKeystone | gmLm | gmLoot | gmMenu | gmMoney | gmProf | gmSay | gmSpecs | gmSpeed | gmVideoSwitch | gmVol | GreatVault | InvasionTimer | Leveltime | Location | Loot Spec | MicroMenu | MoneyFu | MuteSound | Mythic Keystone | PerformanceMonitor | Played Time | Portals | PvPinfo | RaidMakeup | Recount | RepairBroker | RestFu | Sexy Reputation | Specify | Speed | StatBlock_Folks | Talent Loadout Broker | TSMProfile | Weekly Rewards | Where Am I | WorldQuests | WoW Token | wVolume | XPBar | zz_Bags | zz_Coords | zz_Friends | zz_GarrisonToggle | zz_Infoclock | zz_Money | zz_Repair
Titan Panel Plugins: Apexis Crystal | Attributes | Conquest | Currencies | Farm Buddy | Farm Friend | FastInstanceDifficulty | FastMail | FastMythPlus | Flightstones | Garrison Resources | GearStatistics | Honor Currency | Item Level | Mount | Profession | Professions | Quests | Reputation | Reservoir Anima | Scoreboard | ShowDurability | Socialite | Spacer | TokenChecker | Trash Cash
Information Bars: Kiminfo | XIV Databar

Dragon Riding

AzerPUG's DragonRider | DragonBinds | Dragon Customisation Import Export | Dragon Rider | Dragonriding Glider | DragonSpeed


BagAppraiser | Farming Bar | Farmed | Farmer | FarmRestock | Gathering | Gather Panel | Gathering Tracker | GatherTracker | GrindLoot | Hyperspawn | KiwiFarm | SellableItemDrops | WorthIt
Instance/Raid: Instance Profit Tracker


InFlight | Leatrix Plus | MissingFlightPaths | TaxiTimer | WorldFlightMap


AnyFont | GinkoText | Scale UI Font

Frame Mods

BlizzMove | DeModal | Drift | MoveAny | MoveAround | MoveIt | No Auto Close
Achievement Frame: xanAchievementMover
Arena Frame: Arena UI Remover
Bag Frame: DejaMicroHider
Boss Frame: Simple Boss Frame
Buff Frame: BasicBuffs
Castbar Frame: HideCastbar | NoCastingBar
Character Panel: GearFlyout
Edit Mode: Edit Mode Expanded | Edit Mode Features
Game Menu: Big Game Menu
Guild Frame: Classic Guild Frame
Hide Frames with Conditions: UIAutoHide
LFG Eye Frame: LFG Eye Mover
Mail Frame: Gnomish Inbox Shrinker
Micro Menu Frame: ColorfulMicroMenu | DejaMicroHider | Hide Micro Menu | Micro Menu Recolor
Objective Tracker: FadeObjectiveTracker | QuestTrackerMover | Resize Objective Frame
Professions: ReTradeTabs
Spellbook: ClickCastingTab
Stance Bar: Hide Stance Bar
Talking Head: BeQuiet
XP/Rep Bar Frame: Bye Bye XPBar

Friends | Ignore

#Shitlist | FriendGroups | Friend Notes | Friend List Colors | I Remember You | Personal Blacklist

Gear | Stat Priority

Auto Equip: Auto-Confirm Equip | Jeeves
Best in Slot: Best In Slot Manager
Boss Loot Tables: AtlasLoot Enhanced | Mythic Plus Loot
Character Frame/Stats: BetterCharacterPanel | Crystal Sockets | DejaCharacterStats | Durability And ItemLevel | Enchant Me | Fizzle | iLevel | ItemLevelDisplay | Kibs Item Level | Simple Item Levels | SinStats Character Stats
Character Simulation/Improvement: AskMrRobot | Simulationcraft
Compare: Auto Equipment Compare
Convert Combat Ratings into Percentages in Tooltips: Convert Ratings
Gear Scores in Tooltips for Comparisons: GearHelper | GearStatistics | Pawn
Looting Gear: AutoGear
Managers: ItemRack | Outfitter | TrinketMenu
Required Level: Requires Level X
Stat Priority: Icy Veins Stat Priority | Stat Priority | StatPriorityTracker


Fast Guild Invite | GuildApplicantTracker | Guildbook | Guild Roster Manager | Guild Search


Replace Default Raid Frames: Aptechka | Cell | DRaidFrames | Grid2 | Healbot | MacFrames | Plexus | VuhDo | Whammy
Enhance Default Raid Frames: Advanced Raid Frame Settings | Buff Overlay | Enhanced Raid Frames | RaidFrameSettings | RaidFrameSettings Excorp Fork
Add Spell Buttons/Bars to Unit Frames: Healers Serenity | Healium | Quick Heal | Rewatch
Announce Status to Chat: Healer Protection
Click Casting: Clicked | Clique


C-Inspect | InspectEquip3 | TinyInspect | TinyInspect-Reforged

Interface Options

Account Wide Interface Option Settings | AdvancedInterfaceOptions | Annoying Pop-Up Remover | Automatic UI Fader | CTMod | Easy Delete | HelpMePlay | Immersive | Leatrix Plus | Plumber | SneekeeMods | UIScale
Camera Settings: ActionCamPlus | DynamicCam | EnhancedCamera | MaxCam
Enhance Blizzard HUD: BlizzHUDTweaks | Conceal | KrioUI | Qbrick's UI Tweeks


Consumable Tracker: Consumable Tracker
Inventory Sorting/Stacking: BankStack | Genie | RinseOBags | Stackpack | Sushi Sort
Inventory Trackers: BagSync | ItemCountTooltip | Stash | Syndicator | Tooltip Item Count | UberInventory Reborn | zz_itemsdb
Searchable List of items including Alts: Baud Manifest


BindPad | Clicked | KeyBindProfiles | Spec Keybinds


Astral Keys | DoKeys | LiteKeystone | Mythic Plus Key Announcer
Add Info to the Mythic Keystone Objective Tracker: Angry Keystones
Automatically Place your Keystone into the Font of Power: Auto Keystone

LFG - Looking for Group

LFG Shout/Trade Shout | LFGSpamFilter | LFM+ | lookingforgroup(lfg) | Premade Groups Filter


Replace Default Loot Frame: Improved Loot Frame | XLoot
Auto Open Items: Auto Open Items | New Openables | Open Sesame!
Determine Value: LootAppraiser
Loot Notifications: Lootifications | ls: Toasts
Speed Up Looting: Faster Loot | Speedy AutoLoot
Trade Loot: PersoLootRoll | Personal Loot Trader | Raid Roll Remaster


Macro Creation: M6 | Macro Toolkit | Mega Macro
Adds a Macro Which Creates a Flyout List: Select
Automatic Updating for Best Food/Water Macros: AutoBar | Buffet
Chat Text Linked to Macros: Macro-Talk
Create Sequence of Macros: GSE: Gnome Sequencer Enhanced
Improve Macro Icons: LargerMacroIconSelection
Targeting Macro: FindA Target


Bulk Mail Inbox | EasyMail | Extended Mail UI | Favorite Contacts | Gnomish Inbox Shrinker | MailNotifier | MailTo Again | OpenAll | Postal
Automate Sending Items to Alts: Bulk Mail | Lockbox Mailer | MailCommander


Carbonite Maps | Enhance BattlefieldMinimap | Fullscreen World Map Shrinker | Leatrix Maps | Mapster | OmegaMap | Persistent World Map
Add a Line from Your Character to the Edge of the Map: MapLine
Add Routes for Farming: Routes
Add Waypoints: TomTom
Add Zone Details: ZoneInfo 2
Coordinates: Coordinates | MapCoords | X and Y
Disable Maximize: Disable Map Maximize
Dragonriding Glyphs: Dragonriding Glyph Finder
Flight Map: WorldFlightMap
Instance Maps: Atlas
Map Notes: Candy Buckets | HandyNotes
Map Pins: Map Pin Enhanced
Show Gathering Nodes: GatherMate2
Show Wormholes: Interactive Wormholes
Tracking: World Map Tracking Enhanced

Atlas: Battle for Azeroth | Battlegrounds | Burning Crusade | Cataclysm | Classic WoW | Class Order Halls | Dungeon Locations | Legion | Mists of Pandaria | Outdoor Raids | Transportation | Warlords of Draenor | Wrath of the Lich King
Handy Notes: Adorable Raptor Hatchlings | Ahn'Qiraj Scarab Coffers (AQ20/40) | AncientShrines | A Path Less Travelled | Argus | Battle for Azeroth | Battle for Azeroth Treasures | Broken Shore | Cod Do Batter | Collection | Covenant Sanctum | Dark Soil Tillers | Directions | Draenor | Draenor Treasures/Rares | Dragon Glyphs | Dragonflight | Dragonflight Treasures and Rares | DungeonLocations | Exploration Achievements Pandaria | Ferry Network | Gold Farm | Hallow's End | Higher Learning | Jetpacks | Legion Class Order Halls | Legion Instance World Quests | Legion Treasures/Rares | LimitedSupplyVendors | Loose Pebbles | Lorewalkers | Lunar Festival | Mage Hall Portals | Mole Machine | Mysterious Camel Figurine | MythicPlus | Naxxramas Frozen Runes | Netherwing Eggs | Noble Garden | Nooks and Crannies | Oribos | Pandaria | Pandaria Treasures/Rares | Secret Fish | Shadowlands | Shadowlands Treasures/Rares | Springfur Alpaca | Stygia | Suramar and Shal'Aran Telemancy | TimelessIsleChests | Travel Guide | Universal Explorer | Valdrakken | Valdrakken | Winter Veil | Wrath of the Lich King | World Map Button


BasicMinimap | Chinchilla | DejaMinimap | DFMinimap | EKMinimap | Mappy | SexyMap
Add a Line/Arrow for the Direction You are Heading: Handy Minimap Arrow | MinimapLine | Red Arrow
Alerts for Tracked Items: Minimap Alert
Alerts for for Treasures and Rares: Minimap Range Extender | Vignette Announcer | What's On The Map?
Analogue Clock: Analogue Clock
Change Minimap Icons: Keyboard's Minimap Icons
Control Minimap Buttons: HidingBar | KiwiMBC | MinimapButtonBag | MinimapButtonButton
Coordinates: Coordinates | X and Y
Remove Covenant Icon Flashing: Remove Flashing Covenant Icon


Add Players Country Flag: GroupfinderFlags
AFK: AFK Fullscreen Warning | AFK Screen
Colors: ColorPickerPlus
Create Wowhead Links: Wowhead Quick Link
Currencies: CurrencySorter | Currency Tracking
Durability: Detailed Durability
Find Best Travel Path Between Locations: Cheepath
Flash Taskbar: Flash Taskbar
Glyphs: GlyphList
Gold Tracking: Accountant | GoldCoffer | Simple Gold Counter
Items Needed List: INeed
Remove Transforms: Mask & Transform Remover
Scraping: Easy Scrap
Screenshots: ScreenPlus
Search Game Item Database: Global Search | Ludwig
Skip Cinematics/Movies: Cinematic Skipper
Use Console Controllers: ConsolePort


Cheugy Mission Reports | Garrison Order Hall Report | In Progress Missions | Mission Report Button Plus | Mission Table Tabs
Battle for Azeroth Command Table: ChampionCommander | War Plan
Dreanor Garrison: GarrisonCommander | Master Plan
Followers: FollowerLocationInfo
Legion Missions: OrderHallCommander
Shadowlands Covenant: Covenant Mission Success Estimates | TLDR Missions | Venture Plan


BetterBlizzPlates | DF Friendly Nameplates | KiwiPlates | KuiNameplates | NamePlateKAI | namePlateM+ | NeatPlates | Nephilist Nameplates | nPlates | Plater Nameplates | RSPlates | Simple Threat Plates | Slab | Stripes | Threat Plates | Tidy Plates
Add Auras to Nameplates: NameplateAuras | NugPlateAuras
Add Class Colors to Nameplates: NameplateColors
Add Combat Text to Nameplates: Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text
Add Cooldowns to Nameplates: NameplateCooldowns
Add Quest Progress to Nameplates: KAI Quest Indicator | QuestPlates
Add Rare Indicator: Nameplate Highlight
Add Target Indicator: Target Nameplate Indicator
Add Threat to Nameplates: Blizzard Nameplates - Threat


Character Notes | Notepad | Notes | Noteworthy | TinyPad


Call to Arms | PVEtactics | Rift Farm Helper
Attunement: Attune
Combat Log: AutoCombatLogger | LoggerHeadLite
Lockouts: Adventure Guide Lockouts | Am I Locked Out | Nova Instance Tracker | Saved Instances
Loot Spec: Loot Spec Swapper
Mob Marking: AutoMarkTarget | DejaMark | MagicMarker | RaidIconBar | Simple Raid Target Icons | wMarker
Queue Status: DungeonStatus
Satchels: bobSatchels | Incentive Program - Satchel Finder
Track Cooldowns: Ability Team Tracker


Boss Mods Dungeon: Dungeon Aura Tools | LittleWigs | Wind Dungeon Helper
Boss Notes: BossNotes | QE Dungeon Tips
Mists of Tirna Scithe Helper: Maze Helper
Mythic: AlterEgo | MDT Guide | iP Mythic Timer | My Dungeons Book | Mythic Dungeon Calculator | Mythic Dungeon Tools | Mythic Plus Calculator | Mythic Plus Loot Table | MythicPlus Timer | NamePlateM+ | WarpDeplete


Boss Encounter Recording: CombatReplay
Boss Mods Raid: Boss Ability Announcement | Big Wigs | ElWigo - Big Wigs Plugin | Deadly Boss Mods
Practice: X Practice
Raid: Infinite Raid Tools | Lite Assist | Magic Targets | Method Raid Tools | PhenomRaidTools | Raider.IO
Raid Leader: Angry Assignments | Astral Analytics | BossModChecker | O Item Level | oRA3 | PhoenixStyle | Raid Assist | Raid Attendance Tracker | Raid Command | RaidSlackCheck | RCLootCouncil | Transcriptor | Wagon Detector
Raid Leader Looting: Gargul


Ability Team Tracker | DontCast | Killshot | Spy | TopCombat | TopTarget | UnitInCombat | Vantage | WarCult | weizPVP
Mark Healers: Healers Have to Die
Track Debuffs: BigDebuffs
Track Dimishing Returns on CC: Diminish DR Tracker
Track Enemy Cooldowns: NameplateCooldowns | OmniBar
Track Party Cooldowns: OmniCD


ArenaMarker | ArenaMaster PvP Inspect | GladiatorlosSA2 | Gladius Bicmex | GladiusEx | REFlex-Arena/Battleground Historian | sArena


Atlas Battlegrounds | Battleground Buddy | Battleground Commander | BattleGroundEnemies | Battleground Nameplate Numbers | Capping | Enhance BattlefieldMinimap | IncCallout | Incoming | REFlex-Arena/Battleground Historian | REPorter-Battleground Map | SafeQueue


AtlasQuest | Carbonite Quests | Dugi Questing Essential | Quester
Abandon: Reckless Abandon
Accept/Turnin Automation: Auto Quests | Auto TurnIn | jAutoQuest | Quest Automation | QuickQuest | Turninator | Turn In
Dark Moon Faire: DMF Quest
Leveling Guides: Azeroth Pilot Reloaded | RestedXP Guide | Wow-Pro Guides
Minimap Icons: QuestPointer
Nameplates Quest Progress: KAI Quest Indicator | QuestPlates
Objective Tracker: Auto Quest Tracker | Kaliel's Tracker | MonkeyQuest | SorhaQuestLog | Syling Tracker
Progress/Completion Status: CompletedTip | Quest Completist | Wholly & Grail
Progress/Completion Status Chat Announcement: Quest Announce | Smart Quest
Progress/Completion Status Sounds: Smart Quest
Quest Button/Macro: ExtraQuestButton | QuestClicks | Spinx Daily Items
Quest Chain Progress: BtW Quests
Quest Log: Classic Quest Log | Collapse Quest Log
Replace Quest/Gossip NPC Interaction Frames: CatchTheWind | Dialogue UI | Immersion | Queso | Storyline
Reward Item Value: BestSellButton
Waypoints Arrow: TomTom
World Quests: Angrier World Quests | Better World Quests | World Quest Tracker | World Quests List


Rare Alert | Rare Share | RareScanner | RareTracker | Rarity | SilverDragon | Tomcat's Tours

Reputation | Renown

AltReps | ExaltedPlus | Inactive Reputation Headers | myReputation | Paragon | Pretty Reps | Pretty Reputation | RepByZone | Reputation Bars | Reputation Calculator | Reputation Guide | Reputations | WonderRep | WorthIt - Guides | zifRep


GnomTEC Badge | Hidden NPC Gossip Enabler | MyRolePlay | NPCsMarkers | Total RP 3 | XRP
Chat: Cross RP | Emote Splitter | Listener | Tongues


Assign Music to Events: Soundtrack
Chat Sounds: Chat Sound Customizer
Combat Sounds: dG Killshot | Hear Kitty
Listen to and Play Music with Nearby Players: Musician
Mail Notification: YouGotMail
Mute: MuteSoundFile | Noiseless
Quest Progress/Completion Sounds: Smart Quest
Sound Browser: Leatrix Sounds


Talent Tree Tweaks | Talent Tree Viewer


ManiaTip | TinyTooltip | TinyTooltip-Reforged | TipTac Reborn | ZaremTooltip
Add Best In Slot: SpecBisTooltip
Add Diminishing Return Spell Category: Dr-Mouseover
Add Expansion Added: Expansion Reagents | ItemVersion
Add Gear Upgrade Progression Cost: AzerPUG's ToolTips | ItemUpgradeTip | Snows Upgrade Tooltip
Add Item ID's: idTip
Add Item Level for Items: Tooltip Item Level
Add Item Level and Spec for Players: Khes'yc iLvl
Add Item Type: ItemType
Add Mob Health/Mana Info: MobInfo2
Add Mount Information: Mount Tooltip
Add NPC Quest Information: SimpleObjectiveProgress
Add NPC Spawn Times: NPC Time
Add Profession Information: Profession Assistance | Reagent Recipe Tooltip | SmexyMats | Where to Gather
Add Realm Info: TooltipRealmInfo
Add Stat Info: True Stat Values
Add Vendor Price: Better Vendor Price
Add Vendor Price per Unit: Sell Price per Unit
Make Healthbar Class Color: HealthBarColor


Craftility | CraftSim | SGT CraftCost | Skillet | TradeSkillFluxCapacitor | TradeSkillMaster | Train All
Add if an Alt knows a Recipe to the Tooltip: DoesMyAltKnowThat? | Recipe Recorder
Find Unlearned Recipes: Recipe Master | Unlearned Recipes
Leveling Guides: WorthIt - Guides
Shopping List: Profession Shopping List

Specific Tradeskills
Archaeology: Minimal Archaeology
Enchanting: Disenchant Crafted Items | Disenchanter | Enchantmate | Enchant Vellum
Fishing: Better Fishing | Fishing Buddy | MrFish | ZenFishing
Heralism/Mining/Gathering: FarmHud | GatherMate2 | Routes | Track Resources
Jewelcrafting: Juwe: Gem Stats instead of Names
Milling/Prospecting/DisEnchanting: Breakables | Molinari | Profession Assistance | xanMortarPestle

TradeSkillMaster: Price Answer | String Converter


AllTheMogs | AppearanceTooltip | Better Wardrobe and Transmog | Caerdon Wardrobe | Can I Mog It? | Extended Transmog Sets | MogIt | mOnArsWardrobeHelper | Narcissus | TransmogCleanup | Transmog Outfits | WardrobeTools
Auction: Collectionator | CollectionShop

Unit Frames

Classic Frames | Discord Unit Frames | DUnitFrames | Easy Frames | Perl Classic | Pitbull | RUF | Shadowed Unit Frames | Z-Perl Unit Frames
Add Class Icons: Classicons
Add Class Icons that Replace Portraits: EnhancedClassIconPortraits
Add Target Information: TargetPercent
Animate Portraits: Adapt
HUDs: DHUD | IceHUD | StatusBars2
Enhance Default Raid Frames: Advanced Raid Frame Settings | Bigger Buffs | Buff Overlay | Enhanced Raid Frames | Kallye Raid Frames | KHMRaidFrames | Nioro | RaidFadeMore | Raidframe Resize | RaidFrameSettings | RaidFrameSettings Excorp Fork | RaidFramesPlus | Raid Frame Anchor
Enhance Default Unit Frames: BetterBlizzFrames | BiggerHealthBar | ClassColoredHealthBars | Elite Player Frame | HealthBarColor | Jax Classic Frames | Loot Spec Icon | PlayerFrame Experience | Rare Dragon | UnitFramesImproved
Hide Class Power Bars on Default Unit Frames: BlizzHUD Helper
Replace Default Raid Frames: Aptechka | AshToAsh | Cell | CRaidFrame | DRaidFrames | Grid2 | Healbot | HotSpot | MacFrames | Plexus | VuhDo
Solo Raid Frame: Solo Frame | Solo Raid Frame NV
Sort: FrameSort | Sort Raid and Party


Compact Vendor | Extended Vendor UI | Extended Vendor UI Lite | Merchant Plus | VendorBuy
Add Vendor Price to Tooltip: Better Vendor Price
Auto Repair: AutoRepair | Fast Auto Repair
Auto Restock: Restocker Classic
Auto Sell: Auto Seller | AutoProfitX | BagSaver | Crap Away! | Lemmo's Sell Greys | Peddler | Scrap | Sell Grey | SellJunk
Auto Sell/Destroy: Vendor
Auto Sell/Repair: AutoSellRepair
Auto Sell/Repair/Destroy: Aardvark
Auto Sell/Repair/Restock: MarcoPolo | Vendomatic
Bulk Buying: Bulk Buy | BuyEmAll
Color Known Recipes: Already Known?


Advanced XP Bar | Experiencer | Lemmos Experience Bar | Player XP Bar | Remaining XP | XPBarNone | XP Bar Text | XP MultiBar | Xparky